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Code breaks, fix it faster.

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What is Sentry?

Sentry is an application performance monitoring and error tracking software used by over 100,000 growing teams. It helps developers identify, debug, and resolve application issues quickly, supporting languages and frameworks like JavaScript, Python, React, and more. Sentry provides end-to-end tracing, error monitoring, and session replay to offer comprehensive context on performance issues and errors. With integrations for tools like Slack, Jira, and GitHub, Sentry automates alerts and keeps teams informed. It offers privacy controls to protect user data and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Key features

  • Error monitoring to prioritize issues by impacted customers.
  • Tracing for end-to-end path visibility of data flows.
  • Session replay to visually debug user interactions.
  • Automated alerts to inform teams of critical issues.
  • Code coverage insights directly in pull requests.
  • Customizable dashboards for cross-project issue tracking.




