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Name Generator

Find authentic names with meanings & pronunciation

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What is Name Generator?

Our Japanese Name Generator is perfect for creators and Japan enthusiasts to find authentic Japanese names that respect cultural traditions and express your unique identity. Each name is carefully crafted with proper kanji characters and meaningful translations. You can choose your gender and specific meanings or characteristics you'd like your name to reflect, and our AI creates a name complete with kanji characters and meanings. The tool provides full details including kanji, hiragana, katakana, romaji, and detailed meanings for each character. Multilingual support is available to help users worldwide. Whether you're discovering popular modern names or delving into ancient ones, this tool helps bridge the cultural understanding of Japanese names, their deep-rooted traditions, and the symbolism they carry.

Key features

  • Creates authentic Japanese names using advanced AI.
  • Respects cultural traditions in name creation.
  • Provides full details in kanji, hiragana, and katakana.
  • Supports multiple languages for global users.
  • Generates both first and last names with cultural meanings.
  • Offers detailed meanings and pronunciation for each name.


🤖Artificial Intelligence






